You are currently browsing the monthly archive for May 2015.

At the Tragically Hip Beverage Company, we’re dedicated to quality ingredients, fine craftsmanship, and naming our drinks after Tragically Hip songs. I think you’ll agree that we’ve succeeded on all counts:

Road Apple Cider

Wheat Kings Weissbier

Trickle Down Percolated Coffee

Boots and Hearts Bourbon

It’s an eclectic mix of beverages, limited only by the number of Tragically Hip puns we can come up with, and our imaginations. Have you tried our Grace, Tea?

Available in fine bars and restaurants from Kingston, Ontario to the 100th Meridian.

Lazy, lazy Henry Miller in Paris

Lazy, lazy Henry Miller in Paris

Great writer, Henry Miller, but he just couldn’t commit to projects he had started. For example:



but no Solar Plexus?

And he must have been too busy having sex with Anaïs Nin (not too mention his own wife) to complete the trilogy of Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, and Tropic of Thunder. Well, I can’t really blame him there.

The Molson Undie

Prig Notaro

Norah Cajones

Corpus Christine



Won Direction

Prague Rock

(I Can’t Get No) Satisfucktion (Rolling Stones tribute band)

These are the names of actual baseball players on the Texas Rangers roster in 2015:

Rougned (Roogie, Stinky) Odor

Stolmy Pimentel

Keone Kela

Tanner Scheppers

Okay, I have to admit, “Stinky” Odor is one of the best nicknames of all time, right up there with Johnny “Ugly” Dickshot. Well done.


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