You are currently browsing the monthly archive for January 2021.

In July, 2017 Donald Trump gave a speech at the Boy Scouts’ National Jamboree which, at the time, seemed like the craziest speech ever. Now it’s barely remembered. I wrote this poem the day of the speech, and I think the title continues to hold lessons: don’t ever be surprised by what this man will do, and always be prepared.

Be Prepared, America

words mean things
it's different to say
that someone told
you that your
bloated, fake-
tanned face
just gave the best speech
ever given to the Boy Scouts
of America
than that you gave
the best speech ever given
to the Boy Scouts
almost the same words
not the same sense
it's the difference between
a President
who has a grip on reality
and one who merely hears
what he wants to


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